Complete Market Research
Who’s searching?
What are their frustrations?
What do they like and share?
Our Research Quickly Eliminates:
Investing In A Dying Industry
We look at over 10 years worth of search data to spot long term market trends.
Unshared Content
By knowing what your audience wants…and what they click on
Guessing Games
By analyzing what’s currently working and getting results.
Turning Customers Off
Through eliminating stories, colour, and branding that doesn’t appeal.
Our Market Analysis Includes:

We then use this data to define your ideal customer!

Your ideal customer avatar is the foundation of all marketing efforts.
It’s with this we’re able to create a brand they like.
We’re able to write emails and web pages that sound like letters written to THEM.
All marketing efforts land on having these people defined so clearly you can name them and spot them in a crowd.
Don’t drill that oil well until you investigate!
Like surgeons perform X-rays before operating, and investors do their due diligence before investing, businesses need to conduct some kind of analysis on who’s clicking, buying, and using what we’re building.